What People Say
About Mike Rauch
To this day Mike is celebrated within the company as a great leader...Vision, communication, detailed planning and ensuring that everyone in the process has a voice are the cornerstones of Mike’s approach to large group coordination.

Christopher Thomas
Managing Director, FlexiForce North America
I have known Mike Rauch for 16 years, initially as someone who worked for him, later as someone who worked along-side him in running a business. Since then I’ve considered Mike a mentor and someone whom I admire and respect for his acumen, professionalism, consistency, kindness and drive.
Having known Mike for a long time, I would say that his dedication, love and passion for his family are obvious and noteworthy. The opportunities he seeks to provide his children are meaningful and stand out as something I would consider near to his core.
As a business leader, I’ve always considered Mike to be fair, judgment-free and open-minded. His singular focus always seems to be on the task-at-hand and making sure that everyone involved walked away with a fair deal to foster open and trusting relationships. Mike somehow seems to be everywhere all at once, and calm while doing it. When we were working together, he personally knew the names of all 200 staff working under his leadership, he knew most people’s story, their children’s names, and their backgrounds. Mike always took the time to get to know people. This always stood out as meaningful to the people that surrounded Mike within the business. To this day Mike is celebrated within the company as a great leader of our past and when he comes around, he is still welcomed with open arms.
I have learned a lot from Mike on how to set up and manage highly productive teams. Vision, communication, detailed planning and ensuring that everyone in the process has a voice are the cornerstones of Mike’s approach to large group coordination. Not only have I witnessed this to be highly effective, but I’ve also adopted a similar approach in my day-to-day practice within my professional life emulating what I learned and witnessed from Mike to a large degree.
I believe Mike would be an excellent Abbotsford School Trustee and he would dedicate himself to the task to ensure the children within the district have the best opportunities to further their development. Mike is a good person who is intelligent, experienced and highly capable. I support Mike because I feel it is in the interest of the children in the Abbotsford School District to have someone like Mike acting and advocating on their behalf.
He is an advocate for all programs; for public education; for accountability and fiscal responsibility, and for providing the best educational opportunities for the children in our community.
Shelley Maximitch Johnston
SD 34 Employee
Treasurer, Special Olympics BC Abbotsford

Mike is able to view situations from a variety of perspectives: parent, business leader, member of the community, and as a friend. He is an advocate for all programs, for public education, for accountability and fiscal responsibility, and for providing the best educational opportunities for the children in our community. Having discussed a variety of educational and community issues, with Mike, there is no doubt that he understands and appreciates the importance of involving all the stakeholders, when decisions are to be made that will impact our community.
Mike is definitely a team player, who involves everyone in the discussion and in the decision-making process. He cares about our community and our children’s future. He believes that every child in our community should have access to the programs that are offered, in the school district. His strengths are his character, principles, open-mindedness, and communication and interpersonal skills. He knows to value the voices of the members in our community.
Mike will make an outstanding School Trustee for SD 34 Abbotsford.
He is very creative in planning and is always thinking about the greater good for the greater number. Mike is prudent in his decisions and leads well, always valuing others’ skills, talents and individual abilities. Mike never backs down from challenges and believes that anything is possible with the right team, effort and planning.

Catherine Bouwman
Educational Assistant, St John Brebeuf Regional Highschool
Our families have shared in many activities and over the years I have come to admire Mike for many reasons; his commitment to everything that he is involved in is 100% and always with enthusiasm, purpose and openness to others. I also know Mike as a leader when I volunteered for an event that he planned this year. Mike made each of us feel very valued and was able to wear many hats throughout the day. He was calm in handling multiple tasks, tending to the needs of others and personally being involved in the event.
Mike is a very positive person who actively engages in community events, family and the community at large. He is very creative in planning and is always thinking about the greater good for the greater number. I have witnessed Mike in action at a riding event that he hosts every year, and his people skills, communication and enthusiasm are contagious. Mike is prudent in his decisions and leads well, always valuing others’ skills, talents and individual abilities. He is an excellent father and strong encourager to youth, including our children.
Mike is well-liked, he is humble and a great person to spend time with. As a friend, Mike is fun to be around. His energy, engagement in others, ideas and humor make him a great friend. Mike is trustworthy, compassionate and puts family at the center of all that he does. I admire Mike because he is a community builder and always involves others in his recreational sports, family life and community. Mike never backs down from challenges and believes that anything is possible with the right team, effort and planning. Mike is very knowledgeable and inspires others to seek out the best choices for their dreams and planning. He is a true friend whom I admire.
Mike is a creative and strategic thinker...Mike is a leader who recognizes the need for, and value of, teamwork. He casts a big tent, welcoming all, encouraging ideas and input.
Darrell Fox
Senior Advisor, Terry Fox Research Institute

I know Mike primarily through our shared passion for riding bikes. Mike reached out to me to join the Cahilty Racing team many years ago. As a relatively new road rider – though much beyond middle age - I appreciated his sincere and supportive approach and mentorship. Mike also played a significant and valuable leadership role in the launch of the Terry Fox 360, now known as the Terry Fox Ride of Hope, a national fundraising event that has raised over $500,000 for cancer research.
I have been fortunate to attend events and meet with Mike at the Rauch family home over the years. It is a welcoming and loving home. Mike and Winsome’s children are personable and mature beyond their young years.
Mike is a creative and strategic thinker. I have seen his calm and collected demeanor at work organizing the Terry Fox 360 - a 360km fundraising ride from Sun Peaks Mountain to Terry Fox mountain. Mike is a leader who recognizes the need for, and value of, teamwork. He casts a big tent, welcoming all, encouraging ideas and input. His strong sense of community is also on display with the successful running of the 12 hours of Glenridge and Throwdown Thursday’s - inclusive mountain biking events that draw from all areas of the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley. Mike’s interest in developing and educating youth is also evident with the mountain youth club.
Mike was a voice for many families. He took a proactive approach by reaching out to the school staff and the school board to ask questions regarding school capacity issues, Individualized Education, and the district’s Strategic Plan.

Kelly Kelemen
Former PAC Chair, School District 34
Please consider voting for Mike Rauch. I have attended school board meetings in the past and have walked away feeling helpless, not heard, and disappointed! It is so important to have a School Trustee that genuinely listens, is approachable, and is there for the students. He is 100% the right vote! Let Mike be the voice for so many in our district and community
I had the pleasure of meeting the Rauch family through our children. Our sons met each other at Abbotsford Senior Secondary School in the International Baccalaureate Program. Over the past 4 years, our families have had the opportunity to get to know each other very well. Mike has always been such a welcoming person.
Mike is known to live life to the fullest, constantly challenging himself and others, whether it is in various sports activities, planning large community events - all the way up to the provincial level, and giving back to his community.
He is a natural leader in all aspects of his personal and business life. He is financially smart, a strategic thinker, and community-minded. I have been a part of many conversations regarding the IB Programme in our school district. There have been many attempts to change this program that were unexpected and concerning for the students, the school staff and the parents of School District 34.
Mike was a voice for many families. He took a proactive approach by reaching out to the school staff and the school board to ask questions regarding school capacity issues, Individualized Education, and the district’s Strategic Plan. I believe that Mike is a very trustworthy individual and needs to be an Abbotsford School Trustee. He has what it takes to make positive changes in our district.
Thank you, Mike Rauch, for being a voice for so many in our community! I appreciate your words so much, we need your business skill set, experience, caring attitude, and down-to-earth personality in our district! Putting students and their education first… what a huge step in the right direction!
Mike takes time to fully understand the existing situation, recognizes all potential hurdles to overcome, sees the direction that needs to be taken, and has the drive and patience to see his vision come to fruition.

Matt Scott
Quality Assurance Manager at Innotech Windows + Doors
Race Director 2018-2021, Abbotsford Ride for Water
Knowing Mike for the past 20 yrs, I have seen first-hand his approach to various endeavors.
Mike is a critical thinker, and strategic when it comes to the big picture. Nothing he does is a half-measure. Mike takes the time to research and understand all the factors contributing to the current state outcomes and what will be needed to affect a positive improvement to the current state. He then follows through with the implementation.
I’ve seen Mike’s consistency when applying this methodology time and time again while managing one of Abbotsford’s larger employer companies. I have seen him manage commercial property development, facilitate a Provincially-recognized youth mountain bike club, and organize consecutive BC Provincial Mountain Biking Championships. He is an early adopter of emerging technologies and equipment.
Mike is very pragmatic when problem-solving. He takes time to fully understand the existing situation, recognizes all potential hurdles to overcome, sees the direction that needs to be taken, and has the drive and patience to see his vision come to fruition.
When Mike speaks with you, he listens intently and respects your opinion. Mike is a well-informed person on educational issues. Mike is a great communicator and he speaks up on behalf of others’ concerns... a natural leader in all aspects of his life.
Janice Redekop, CPA, CA
Tax Manager, Quadra Homes

Mike, Winsome, and his family are an integral part of the Mount Lehman/Brader community. Mike is a team leader in all aspects of his life – in work, leisure, and within the community.
I have spent time with Mike, Winsome, and his family, enjoying the multifaceted conversations that we have about children, community, and the Abbotsford School District. When Mike sees a need, he will dedicate his time and effort to help address the issue, to help others out and to seek balanced solutions.
When Mike speaks with you, he listens intently and respects your opinion. He is a well-informed person on educational issues. Mike is a great communicator and he speaks up on behalf of others’ concerns. He is a natural leader in all aspects of his life. Whether it is through leading his work team on a solution, or organizing competitive bike races, Mike embraces a lead role, and adapts quickly to change.
Mike is a dedicated father of 6 super active and academic children. He is an encouraging and devoted father.
I am honoured to call Mike a friend. He is a trustworthy and reliable friend, who can turn a difficult situation into a positive learning adventure.
I can confidently say that Mike earns high marks as an advocate, a business leader, community organizer, father, and friend.
Mike Braun
Realtor with Re/Max Little Oak Realty

I can confidently say that Mike earns high marks as an advocate, a business leader, community organizer, father, and friend. He is an intelligent, open-minded person who listens and works well with others.
Mike doesn’t accept the status quo but works toward a vision that leaves everyone better than where they began.
Tara Gaudet
Teacher, St James Elementary
Parent, Abbotsford School District

Mike has experience and expertise that sets him ahead of the rest. He has vision and the energy, resources and qualifications to see those visions through to the end. He doesn’t accept the status quo but works toward a vision that leaves everyone better than where they began. He wants to see kids truly thrive, not just survive. "What is best for the kids" is what drives Mike's projects, visions and decisions.
Our children had the privilege of being a part of his Sprockids biking club and I was amazed at the way he encouraged them to reach their personal best. His servant leadership led our kids to achieve far greater results than they could have without his mentorship.
Mike has the stamina to see things through, the courage to stand up for what is right, and the interpersonal skills to ensure conversations are equitable and that every voice is heard. Mike wants all students to have the opportunity to pursue avenues of education that excited them because he recognizes students' uniqueness and knows that when engaged in meaningful learning one will thrive. Mike is a magnanimous leader and I am confident he would be an asset to us all as a school board trustee